public const string DECIMAL_FORMAT = "0.##"; public static string ToFormattedSize(int size) { float KB = 1024f; float MB = 1024f * KB; float GB = 1024f * MB; if (!size.HasValue) return "-"; else if ((float)size.Value > GB) return ((float)size.Value / GB).ToString(DECIMAL_FORMAT) + " GB"; else if ((float)size.Value > MB) return ((float)size.Value / MB).ToString(DECIMAL_FORMAT) + " MB"; else if ((float)size.Value > KB) return ((float)size.Value / KB).ToString(DECIMAL_FORMAT) + " KB"; else return ((float)size).Value.ToString(DECIMAL_FORMAT) + " B"; }
26 May 2011
C# - Format a file size
Here's how you can format a file size, specified in bytes, into a nice string for display:
17 May 2011
C# - Encryption/decryption
I wrote these extensions to easily encrypt strings and later decrypt them again.
First the encryption will need these.
For each project I use them in, I change the keys a little.
First the encryption will need these.For each project I use them in, I change the keys a little.
private static readonly byte[] KEY = { 15, 85, 64, 52, 131, 86, 216, 44 }; private static readonly byte[] IV = { 5, 44, 19, 95, 129, 164, 9, 108 };
public static string Encrypt(this string source) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) return source; else { using (var des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider()) using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateEncryptor(KEY, IV), CryptoStreamMode.Write)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(cs)) { sw.Write(source); sw.Flush(); cs.FlushFinalBlock(); sw.Flush(); return Convert.ToBase64String(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)ms.Length); } } } catch { return string.Empty; } }
public static string Decrypt(this string source) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) return source; else { using (var des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider()) using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(source))) using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateDecryptor(KEY, IV), CryptoStreamMode.Read)) using (var sr = new StreamReader(cs)) { return sr.ReadToEnd(); } } } catch { return string.Empty; } }
09 May 2011
C# - Parse JSON
Parsing JSON to strongly types objects is real easy in C#.
You just need to have the objects as they are represented in JSON, like these:
Then all you need to do is this:
And your object structure will be created and filled from a JSON string.
You just need to have the objects as they are represented in JSON, like these:
public class GridFilter { public string GroupOp { get; set; } public IEnumerableRules { get; set; } } public class GridFilterRule { public string Field { get; set; } public string Op { get; set; } public string Data { get; set; } }
Then all you need to do is this:
GridFilter filter = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(filters);
And your object structure will be created and filled from a JSON string.
Opera - High contrast on certain tabs
This is how in the Opera web browser you can have high contrast on some tabs and normal contrast on others. This is usefull - for me at least - to have white text on black on very light websites while still viewing other sites as normal.
To do this, you need the Appearance > Buttons > Browser view > User Mode button on the toolbar. Then:
To do this, you need the Appearance > Buttons > Browser view > User Mode button on the toolbar. Then:
- Click the arrow next to this button and choose Manage Modes...,
- Give both modes the same settings, but uncheck My style sheet for one of them,
- In the mode that has the My style sheet setting, you can set the High Contrast option, in the other one you can't; so on a page in this mode set this option.
05 May 2011
C# - Bitwise flags (bitmask)
Bitwise flags allow you to combine multiple flags into a single integer.
This really applies to many programming languages.
In C# you can do it like this:
Notice how the value doubles - are powers of two - for each flag (binary system).
The flags attribute indicates that bitwise operators will be performed on this enum.
This really applies to many programming languages.
In C# you can do it like this:
The flags
The following defines the flags.Notice how the value doubles - are powers of two - for each flag (binary system).
The flags attribute indicates that bitwise operators will be performed on this enum.
[Flags] public enum Role{ AuxCreator = 1, AuxEditor = 2, AuxDeletor = 4 }
Combine them
Getting the integer that combines some flags is easy using the bitwise or operator:int roles = Role.AuxCreator | Role.AuxDeletor; //roles = 5
Check for flag set
Then, you can check whether a certain flag is set in the integer using the bitwise and operator as follows:bool isAuxDeletor = (roles & Role.AuxDeletor) == Role.AuxDeletor; //isAuxDeletor = true
Unset a flag
To unset a flag from the bitmask, you can use the bitwise and operator again, with the inverse of the flag:int roles = Role.AuxCreator & (~Role.AuxDeletor); //roles = 1
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