extension Int { func toColor() -> UIColor { let r = self % 256 let g = ((self - r) % 65536) / 256 let b = (self - g) / 65536 return UIColor(red: Float(r), green: Float(g), blue: Float(b), alpha: 1) } }
23 July 2014
Math - Extract the RGB values from a long color
This is a short little peace of code to extract the RGB components of a color stored in a single long value – like they are in Visual Basic. This code is in Apple's Swift language, but that really doesn't matter. You just need to know it's an extension on the Int type and "self" refers to the variable containing the long color.
08 July 2014
C# - Bits to connect to a database
The following are the basic methods to retrieve data from and store data in a database using C#.
The connection string
In a web application, we pick this up in the web.config as follows:private static string ConnectionString { get { var cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnStrConsult"]; if (cs != null) return cs.ConnectionString; else throw new Exception("Connection string not found."); } }
Retrieve data
This method takes an SQL SELECT statement and an optional number of parameters that are used in this statement. Also see LINQ on datatable for further processing of the retrieved data and Retrieve objects to retrieve an IEnumerable of model objects instead.private static DataTable Retrieve(string query, params object[] parameters) { try { var data = new DataTable(); using (var adapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(query, ConnectionString)) { SetParameters(adapter.SelectCommand, parameters); adapter.Fill(data); } return data; } catch (OdbcException ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("database not found")) throw new Exception("Could not find database."); else throw; } } private static void SetParameters(OdbcCommand command, params object[] parameters) { if (command != null && parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0) { int i = 0; while (i < parameters.Length) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("p" + i, parameters[i] ?? DBNull.Value); i++; } } }
Execute statements
This one takes an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement with optional parameters and executes it on the database.private static object Execute(string query, params object[] parameters) { using (var connection = new OdbcConnection(ConnectionString)) using (var command = new OdbcCommand(query, connection)) { SetParameters(command, parameters); connection.Open(); return command.ExecuteScalar(); } }
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