public IEnumerableRetrieve (string query, params object[] parameters) where T : class { using (var connection = new OdbcConnection(ConnectionString)) using (var command = new OdbcCommand(query, Connection)) { SetParameters(command, parameters); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { var data = new List (); var columns = new HashSet (); while (reader.Read()) { if (columns.Count <= 0) for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) columns.Add(reader.GetName(i)); var item = Activator.CreateInstance (); foreach (var prop in typeof(T).GetProperties()) { if (!columns.Contains(prop.Name)) continue; object value = reader[prop.Name]; if (value == null || value == DBNull.Value) { if (!prop.IsNullable()) prop.SetValue(item, default(T)); continue; } prop.SetValue(item, reader[prop.Name]); } data.Add(item); } return data; } } }
10 July 2018
C# - Retrieve objects from a database
Years ago, I wrote this stuff to facilitate working with a database. Recently, I augmented the Retrieve method by returning an IEnumerable of model objects instead of a DataTable. Kind of like LINQ does. Here is the method. Mind that it is built upon the earlier post.
09 July 2018
Extension - Create an enumerable from an object
The following is a simple little extension that takes an object, and returns an IEnumerable with that object as it's first and only element. I originally wrote it for a project called Cloud-X, and put it here as I included it in Project Hermes:
////// Takes an object af any type, and returns a list of that type with the object as it's first item. /// public static IEnumerableToEnumerable (this T firstItem) => firstItem == null ? new List (0) : new List (1) { firstItem };
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