21 March 2011

SharePoint - Import a list from 2007 into 2010

I had myself a bit of a problem when trying to bring a SharePoint 2007 list with data to SharePoint 2010. I exported the lists as .iqy files and created new lists in 2010 using the Import Spreadsheet option. Of my 4 lists, 3 had the wrong column as their title field, and I couldn't get it right.

So I thought I'd try getting the list across via a list template .stp file. So done, my list template did show up in the Create window, but an error followed, stating:
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation version 3 templates are not supported in this version of the product

That's when I sought and found this solution:
  • Go to List Settings and choose Save list as template,
  • Rename the .stp file as a .cab file,
  • Extract the manifest.xml file in the .cab file,
  • In that file, set ProductVersion from 3 to 4,
  • Open a command prompt in C:\Windows\System32,
  • Run the command makecab ...\manifest.xml ...\ListName.cab,
  • Rename the .cab back to a .stp,
  • Import this template in SharePoint 2010, under Site Settings > List templates,
  • Create a list from the template, and all will be good!

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